Pi Esposito


I'm Pi Esposito, Member of Technical Staff at Runway.

I work building and maintaining generative AI solutions that help people tell their stories. I also contribute to open source libraries, such as Transformers, Diffusers and Accelerate. I'm also a Hugging Face Fellow and Google Developer Expert is that's worth something.

I like working with PyTorch, Lightning, FastAPI and whatever Hugging Face has open sourced.


Mitigating stereotypical biases in text to image generative systems,
NIPS 2023 Workshop: Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Time

Proposes a simple fine-tuning technique to debias text-to-image models using synthetic data.

Cabrita: closing the gap for foreign languages

My attempt, along with some friends, to close the gaps of LLMs in foreign languages (Portuguese) in a compute-efficient way.

Vintedois Diffusion v0.1

Is a Stable Diffusion fine-tune I built with a friend at early 2023. For a couple weeks it was the second trendiest model at HF Hub, after only Runway's Stable Diffusion 1.5

Bayesian Layers in Torch Zoo

Implements some Reparameterization neural network Layers in PyTorch.

Bayesian Torch

Is Intel Labs' Bayesian Deep Learning research repository. I've co-authored it during my internship there.
